Le planning des 1-Sissy en anglais traducion !

News et actus sur les shmups, et rien que les shmups !
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Smartbomb Addict
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Inscription : 09 août 2011, 03:15
Localisation : Troy, NY, USA
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Hi everyone --

I am finally home from lots of traveling and ready to start making English versions of the 1-Sissies.
I guess we need to have a schedule to plan the order and if anyone wants to host with me for the videos.

Il y a 160 des 1-Sissy : http://shmupemall.com/1-sissy/

So we should figure out which ones everyone wants translated first and if anyone wants to host certain games with me.

Let me know!
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Colonel à l'Ancienne
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Inscription : 31 mai 2015, 15:44
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Korszca a écrit :Hi everyone --

I am finally home from lots of traveling and ready to start making English versions of the 1-Sissies.
I guess we need to have a schedule to plan the order and if anyone wants to host with me for the videos.

Il y a 160 des 1-Sissy : http://shmupemall.com/1-sissy/

So we should figure out which ones everyone wants translated first and if anyone wants to host certain games with me.

Let me know!

That is a great news. pouceair pouceair pouceair

In a way the most suitable will certainly be the ones that has been ported to Steam recently, like Mushihimesama : they are some of the most popular yet the easiest to reach for a wide audience.
In addition, i really don't think that a straight translation will be the best way to do it, i was rather thinking of an adaptation of French comments on games that you personnaly know, so that you can make wise statements without much effort.

Just giving my personnal though, hope this can help you in your quest. (m)
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Smartbomb Addict
Messages : 361
Inscription : 09 août 2011, 03:15
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TOMaplan a écrit :In a way the most suitable will certainly be the ones that has been ported to Steam recently, like Mushihimesama : they are some of the most popular yet the easiest to reach for a wide audience.
Good idea!
TOMaplan a écrit :In addition, i really don't think that a straight translation will be the best way to do it, i was rather thinking of an adaptation of French comments on games that you personnaly know, so that you can make wise statements without much effort.
This is my plan. But eventually there will be games I do not know as well :')
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Colonel à l'Ancienne
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Inscription : 31 mai 2015, 15:44
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Korszca a écrit :This is my plan. But eventually there will be games I do not know as well
Don't hesitate to ask for help here, i'm sure you'll find some strong support regardless of the game you want to work on.

I'm personnaly very familiar with late 80's / early 90's shmups, especially Toaplan's ones (...).

Sinon les gens vous en pensez quoi? Un coup de main pour notre ami Korzsca, que ce soit pour l'aiguiller ou pour donner des conseils particuliers sur des titres que vous connaissez bien?
Toute proposition serait bienvenu, le coup des 1-sissy en Anglais ça serait un véritable plus pour la communauté en terme de visibilité.

@Mr. Trizeal tu es chaud pour un herbergement Youtube, ou tu as peut être une meilleure idée?
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TOMaplan a écrit : @Mr. Trizeal tu es chaud pour un herbergement Youtube, ou tu as peut être une meilleure idée?
Honnêtement Korszca peut faire comme il le souhaite à priori ce sera sur sa chaine youtube comme avec celui du Kingdom Grand Prix ! S'il est d'accord on pourra toujours le mettre chez nous itou.
Et je suis assez d’accord avec toi commencer par le Mushihimesama serait pas mal du tout (m) .
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Smartbomb Addict
Messages : 361
Inscription : 09 août 2011, 03:15
Localisation : Troy, NY, USA
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OK. Here is the opening list for the first group of English 1-Sissies. These are not presented in any order, they are simply a list of the games I know best.
1. Otomedius X (I know this game so well I don't need any notes from the player. Or I could even use one of my videos for the English 1-Sissy.)
2. Exceed 3rd Jade Penetrate - Black Package
3. Progear no Arashi
4. Akai Katana Shin (all modes)
5. Mushihimesama Futari 1.5 original
6. Mushihimesama original
7. Mushihimesama 1.5 original
(I noticed there is no Mushihimesama Futari 1.5 Arrange mode 1-Sissy. I think we should make one. In this video, I teach someone in real time how to 1CC Arrange mode: https://www.twitch.tv/analogarhythm/v/68083383)
8. Kingdom Grandprix (we don't have to translate this one, obviously, but I would be interested in helping if someone wanted to translate it into French :') )
9. Deathsmiles IIX
10. Sorcer Striker
11. Dimahoo
12. Muchi Muchi Pork!

I think we should start with the games US players have easy access to, so that means Otomedius X, Akai Katana, Mushihimesama Futari, Mushihimesama, Exceed 3rd, and Muchi Muchi Pork! should be first.

So that leads me to ask two questions: first, if the players could give me some notes for each game, and second, if you want to be a part of co-commentating a run with me, let me know what game you want to do :D (you can co-commentate as many as you want).
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Colonel à l'Ancienne
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Inscription : 31 mai 2015, 15:44
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But...no Deathsmiles, only 2X? I thought it was also ported to 360 in the US...
Also, Otomedius is kinda non existant to me, but i guess you have some good reasons to put it on the top of your list!
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Smartbomb Addict
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Inscription : 09 août 2011, 03:15
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I do not know Deathsmiles so well (x)
But you are correct, we should cover Deathsmiles.

My desire to cover Otomedius X is because if you search YouTube, you can find many videos of players who cannot finish the first stage without using 5 continues and then they say "I beat the game! It was so easy." after using 100 continues. There are many reasons to dislike the game but it seems like many Americans can't get to the point where they can make an informed decision about the game.
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Colonel à l'Ancienne
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Inscription : 31 mai 2015, 15:44
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I may help you with Deathsmiles, but it's not like i'm an expert at it at all.
I'm sure some Cave's fan will raise from their graves to help you out with this, but if needed you can lean on me.
Korszca a écrit :My desire to cover Otomedius X is because if you search YouTube, you can find many videos of players who cannot finish the first stage without using 5 continues and then they say "I beat the game! It was so easy." after using 100 continues. There are many reasons to dislike the game but it seems like many Americans can't get to the point where they can make an informed decision about the game.
Allright, i understand. Then make this one first! pouceair
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Smartbomb Addict
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Inscription : 09 août 2011, 03:15
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OK ! Je vais poster un plan cet après-midi.
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Smartbomb Addict
Messages : 361
Inscription : 09 août 2011, 03:15
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Upcoming in the life of Korszca: US Independence Day is 4 July, then I am presenting some of my work in NYC on 6 July, then I have the wedding of a close friend the week of 10 July, so we will begin the week of 17 July (sorry for all the delays (go) ). Recording on Saturday is easiest for me. So I will plan on recording on Saturday and uploading on Sunday.

If you want to commentate with me, please let me know. You can commentate as many games as you'd like!
  • 2016-07-23
    • Game: Otomedius X (to save the world! or at least the Americans...)
    • Commentators: Korszca et ???
  • 2016-08-06 (maybe: I might not be able to do this week, if I cannot then 2016-08-13)
    • Game: Mushihimesama (Steam version?)
    • Commentators: Korszca et ???
  • 2016-08-20
    • Game: Mushihimesama Futari
    • Commentators: Korszca et ???
  • 2016-09-03
    • Game: Deathsmiles ou Akai Katana ou DoDonPachi Resurrection
    • Commentators: Korszca et ???
Short list for now. And we need more variety than just Cave things (I don't have many of the other games :') ).
Everyone get excited! The 1-Sissy is Coming to America!
(EDIT: I learned that today is the 28th birthday of the movie Coming to America. How coincidental!)
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Colonel à l'Ancienne
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Inscription : 31 mai 2015, 15:44
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Colonel à l'Ancienne
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Inscription : 31 mai 2015, 15:44
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Bah alors, il en est où ce 1-sissy de Otomedius?

Don't you give up now Korszca!!!
C'est vrai ça je suis curieux de le voir cet Otomedius version anglophone. (TT)
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