Nouveaux HD graphiques, le mode Novice, le mode Arrange, et une nouvelle Element Doll D.
Le printemps 2013.

J'espère que ce sera region-free.
Asada just did a live broadcast talking about the port at Microsoft’s X360 event today in Tokyo. He even played a bit of the port for the audience (they have it up and running already). Some bits of info:
-Mushi HD was the last port they had planned, but due to the great success of SDOJ in the arcades, Microsoft talked them into releasing it on the X360 earlier this month.
-Asada is interested in using Smartglass for new games. He’s also interested in expanding more into other genres and fusing them with shooting, as they did with Instant Brain.
-He’s working on 2 other projects right now but declined to talk about them.
-He’s going to try and make SDOJ more accessible to a wider audience, something he says they failed to do with previous ports. Whether or not he will be successful remains to be seen, he was a bit vague on his intentions in this regard.
-They already decided the exact release date but they would only say it is Spring 2013, my bet is it will be in April (1 year anniversary of the arcade release).